return policy

Order cancellation
All orders can be cancelled until they are shipped. 
If your order status is processed then it can not be cancelled in that case.
Once the packaging and shipping process has started, it can no longer be cancelled.
Your satisfaction is our #1 priority. Therefore, you can request a refund or reshipment for ordered products if:
You do not receive them within the guaranteed time (15 days not including 2-3 day processing)
Replacement if product does not fits you and you have received size what you have ordered. (Subjected to size availability)
You receive the wrong size other than you ordered. (Replacement Available)
You Receive a defective/damaged product (Must have Parcel Opening Video for replacement)
No Returns or Refunds on 2nd product. Please do not ask buy at your own Risk (We only guarantee you will get same as shown on website)
We do not issue the refund/return if:
No Unboxing Video for the product received.
your order does not arrive due to factors within your control (e.g. providing the wrong shipping address or Courier Delays)
your order does not arrive due to exceptional circumstances outside our control (e.g. delayed due to lock down and Covid-19 Issue).
You can do it by sending a message on Contact Us page.
Please contact us by email within 7 days from the date of receipt to apply for return and exchange services.